China left out of Obama free trade party

Published on Author Joshua Benjamin

The US and the Euro zone are finally negotaiting the long discussed free-trade party.  This part would create an economic zone that covers 40% of the world’s GDP.  Obama has taken a large intiative in expanding the free-trade discussion and further progress is happening in Aisian countries such as Singapore, Australia, Vietnam and Japan in the… Continue reading China left out of Obama free trade party

Africa and China are good for each other

Published on Author Joshua Benjamin

In a recent Financial Times article, the relationship between Africa and China was analyzed to be beneficial for both parties.  The working relationship between the two countries embodies “the essence of colonialism.”  China currently exports manufactured goods and in return imports primary resources from Africa.  The article focuses on four main areas that are beneficial… Continue reading Africa and China are good for each other

Uncertainty Pushes China’s Property Stocks Down

Published on Author Joshua Benjamin

Investor confidence in the Chinese property market is extremely low ahead of news of further regulations to “curb the exuberance in the housing markets.”  Housing prices will apparently take a major hit once these regulations take place that will help shape the housing market that has gotten out of control in Chinese cities.  One of… Continue reading Uncertainty Pushes China’s Property Stocks Down

Shanghai starts search for its heritage

Published on Author Joshua Benjamin

In Shanghai, city officials are now beginning to look at preservation of buildings and locations to keep Chinese history alive.  This is an interesting movement in a city known for modernity in China and where history has previously been razed to put up skyscrapers.  Real estate is of high value in Shanghai and preservation of… Continue reading Shanghai starts search for its heritage

Outsourcing tide is not likely to turn

Published on Author Joshua Benjamin

With the western economies beginning to rebound, there is a wave of opinion that outsourcing trends will turn back to “insourcing” back in the west.  In President Obama’s inauguration speech, he referenced the need to bring back jobs to our shores.  There are three main arguments that supporters of the trend are citing.  First, China currently has… Continue reading Outsourcing tide is not likely to turn

China’s lottery boom sparks social fears

Published on Author Joshua Benjamin

Millions of Chinese citizens are becoming addicted to state-run lottery systems, which have grown in popularity immensely over the past 30 years. The state-run lottery was created in the 1980’s by Mao’s administration in contradiction to the country’s ban on gambling in order to create a welfare system.