Secret Stimulus?

Published on Author Mitchell Brister

As has been been well documented, there are a lot of questions surrounding the Chinese economy. Its growth has not been up to the same levels as it has in years past. Specifically, manufacturing has slowed down. The target rate of growth for China is 7.5 percent and people are wondering if there will be… Continue reading Secret Stimulus?

US Happy with Growing Bonds with China

Published on Author Mitchell Brister

Gary Locke is happy with the growing ties between China and the US economically but believes China needs to work on government transparency and more freedoms for their people. Locke is the US ambassador to China and has been trying to influence China and their policies for some time. He has tried to influence China… Continue reading US Happy with Growing Bonds with China

China and Taiwan Formally Talk

Published on Author Mitchell Brister

China and Taiwan met for the first time formally in 65 years since the country split in 1949. China has never accepted or acknowledged Taiwan as an independent country. According to US intelligence, “The Chinese government keeps around 1,200 missiles pointed at Taiwan” just in case they decide to declare independence. Tensions are high to… Continue reading China and Taiwan Formally Talk

Rising Tension Between China and Japan

Published on Author Mitchell Brister

China and Japan, long time rivals who represent the second and third largest economies in the world, are seeing tensions rising. Tensions have been rising for a while now between the two countries caused by an increase in the Japanese military, a rewriting of the Japanese constitution, arguments of islands in the East China Sea,… Continue reading Rising Tension Between China and Japan