Cool Interactive Tool for Learning about the current Chinese Government

Published on Author Duncan

Reuters has created a pretty interesting tool for learning about Chinese government officials. It interactively diagrams relationships between certain figureheads in the Chinese government and gives brief (very brief) statements about who they are. However, it also shows how political (party), social, and familial relations play a role in shaping how government officials climb the… Continue reading Cool Interactive Tool for Learning about the current Chinese Government

China’s race to the Lewis Turning Point

Published on Author Duncan

Obviously, the Lewis Turning Point reading has a lot of implications for China’s future development prospects, and it will be interesting to see how the government formulates policies in the context of a swiftly diminishing cheap-labor supply. Other than financial reforms and increasing TFP as the IMF article discussed, reforms made to the hukou system… Continue reading China’s race to the Lewis Turning Point

China’s Fiscal Stimulus and Local Government Debt

Published on Author Duncan

After reading the World Bank policy research paper and an article in Aljazeera, it seems that China’s investment in infrastructure projects was very helpful for steering through the global recession, but the question as to whether or not these projects will have a good long term ROI still looms. Additionally, with the combination of a high… Continue reading China’s Fiscal Stimulus and Local Government Debt

China’s Healthcare System Opening Up to Foreign Investors

Published on Author Duncan

As we saw in Country Driving, China’s healthcare system has issues with staffing, payment options, and customer service among other issues. According to a recent article by China Daily, the growing middle class and aging population are beginning to demand better health services including greater access to doctors, cleaner and better-maintained facilities, shorter waiting times, and… Continue reading China’s Healthcare System Opening Up to Foreign Investors