Chinimal Farm

Published on Author martinirigoyenj17

When comrade Marx developed and spread his ideas of a wonderful communist, shared world, he hoped that the men who implemented them would not subdue to one of the most irresistible and naturally occurring characteristics of our kind: ambition.Today, China has become “the government of the rich, for the rich and by the rich”(Truth Out).… Continue reading Chinimal Farm

One of China’s “great” deals with Argentina

Published on Author martinirigoyenj17

Last year, the Argentine president Cristina Fernandez inaugurated 55 brand new trains of the Sarmiento and Mitre railway, which are among the most used in the country. Such trains, which were manufactured by the Chinese firm CSR Sifang , required an investment of $1,280 million. In his show Periodismo Para Todos, Jorge Lanata reported an astonishing discovery about this investment. After reviewing… Continue reading One of China’s “great” deals with Argentina

China goes online

Published on Author martinirigoyenj17

As the Chinese economy slows down, traditional business are feeling the effects of decreased consumption combined with the staggering growth of online sales.  In what was once the busiest market in the Zhongguancun district (Beijing), referred to by Bloomberg as “the Silicon Valley” of China, electronic retailers are struggling. According to a frustrated entrepreneur, traditional… Continue reading China goes online

A Brief Overlook

Published on Author martinirigoyenj17

This article published today in Yahoo Finance supposes a great summary about the current state of the Chinese economy. It discusses most, if not all, of the matters which the latest posts in this blog have referred to. The article lists a series of events that happened during the first months of 2015 and are compared… Continue reading A Brief Overlook

China’s New Policies – Changing Weaknesses into Strengths

Published on Author martinirigoyenj17

Most recent blogs have dealt with China’s current economic slowdown, the reasons for it  and the government’s response. Today, The New York Times published an article under the title “For Chinese Economy, Strengths are now Weaknesses.” It highlights the actual and potential problems that the decline in steel demand will bring to the country. According to the author, the… Continue reading China’s New Policies – Changing Weaknesses into Strengths

China puts “Quality over Quantity”

Published on Author martinirigoyenj17

China’s new policies now focus on improving expectations and allow its people to feel safe. While the government promised to direct more money to social transfers, it is also concerned with creating jobs for millions of undergraduates so that the growing middle classes don’t become victims of high unemployment. Combined with the relatively low consumer spending,… Continue reading China puts “Quality over Quantity”

China’s New Policies – Moving Away from the Breaking Point

Published on Author martinirigoyenj17

For the second time in three months, the Central Bank of China has reduced interest rates to 5.35%. As Burke Ugarte highlighted, these policy has been successful in inducing manufacturing growth, but fails to encourage consumer spending. The growth in investment in factories, infrastructure and other fixed assets is still running higher than 25% than… Continue reading China’s New Policies – Moving Away from the Breaking Point

China’s International Relations – Tension with Argentina

Published on Author martinirigoyenj17

Relationships between China and Argentina are branded by the latter’s desperate dependency on the Asian nation. In his investigative journalism television program, Periodismo Para Todos, Jorge Lanata discusses the commercial relations between both countries, questioning some of the polemic agreements made and suggesting disparity, with the balances tipped away from Argentina. Today, such relationships have developed to… Continue reading China’s International Relations – Tension with Argentina

China losing ground, India follows closely

Published on Author martinirigoyenj17

For the first time since 1998, Chinese leaders have failed to meet their growth targets. While statements by Chinese spokesmen seem to undermine this fact, it looks like China’s economy is slacking and entering a period of uncertainty. During the last quarter of 2014, the International Monetary Fund ranked China as the largest economy in… Continue reading China losing ground, India follows closely