China Now World’s Third-Largest Arms Supplier

Published on Author mcdonaldp16

Recent figures realized by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute show a major spike in the sale of Chinese weapons. China’s arms exports have risen 143% over the course of five years, surpassing Germany as the world’s third-largest arms dealer. The nation’s contribution to the global arms market grew from 3% in 2004-2009 to 5% in 2010-2014. The boosts in China’s military budget and technological research programs have made their weapons become more competitive in the global marketplace.

16eb3d7a-cbb2-11e4-beca-00144feab7dePlaying a major role in the jump in weapons sales is Pakistan, as it has purchased over 40% of the country’s exports. This is furthering tensions between India and China. Yue Gang, once a colonel and now a military analyst, stated in an interview that many western countries refuse to export to Pakistan for fear that it will offend India. So [Pakistan’s] options are limited and it turns to China out of necessity.” Gang explained that China has less of, how he put it, a political “complex,” than other countries.

However, China is still far behind the two major players in the global arms market. The United States currently accounts for 31%, and Russia as the second largest with 27% – just to put things into perspective.



2 Responses to China Now World’s Third-Largest Arms Supplier

  1. What sorts of weapons? Aircraft and sophisticated electronics, or trucks, guns, armor and artillery? Not that the world needs more cheap automatic weapons in circulation, but from a business standpoint these are different markets.

  2. I’d be curious to see who else other than Pakistan is buying the Chinese military goods. Just as tensions are rising between India and China over sales, are there other instances where similar rivalries are inflamed by China being the supplier? Does the US have any issue with Chinese sales? Does the US sell to anyone China disapproves of?

    Furthermore, is this China continually stimulating its military ahead of outward confrontation? As Ambassador Chun said, China may need an external confrontation to quell internal discontent should the East Asian situation deteriorate to such low levels.