Living Underground

Published on Author bednart15

Along with China’s rapid urbanization has come a rush for housing in Chinese cities. While construction struggles to keep up with demand (although certain housing projects sit empty), existing housing prices have skyrocketed. One side effect of this price effect has been to drive rural migrants into the ground or, more accurately, underground. Until 2010,… Continue reading Living Underground

Singles’ Day Makes Cyber Monday Look Like Chump Change

Published on Author bednart15

On China’s Singles’ Day, akin to the U.S.’s Cyber Monday, Alibaba made of $9.3 billion in sales in 278 million orders. Not only is that an astronomical number for a single company in a 24 hour time period, but it also means that potentially one quarter of China’s population made a purchase from Alibaba that… Continue reading Singles’ Day Makes Cyber Monday Look Like Chump Change

China’s Economy Has Overtaken the United States, Maybe

Published on Author bednart15

Based on new IMF economic projections, China has now overtaken the United States as the world’s biggest economy. This revised projection moves up the point of overtaking the U.S. by at least two year (previous estimates had only been as early as 2016). The large caveat on the news is that the projections are based on… Continue reading China’s Economy Has Overtaken the United States, Maybe