Chinese aid to the region is expanding—as is its immigrant community

Published on Author baiazbekovaa15

America is  the Pacific region’s second-biggest giver of aid, contributing $1.7 billion between 2006 and 2013. But more than half of that went to the country’s satellite states in Micronesia, such as Guam and the Northern Marianas. When Hillary Clinton, then America’s secretary of state, attended the Pacific Islands Forum in the Cook Islands in… Continue reading Chinese aid to the region is expanding—as is its immigrant community

Chinese Pharma: A Global Health Game Changer?

Published on Author baiazbekovaa15

The twenty-first century shift in geoeconomic power toward Asia has also influenced on a global pharmaceutical research and development (R&D) investment toward emerging economies. China is currently the world’s second-highest investor in R&D and is poised to overtake the United States in R&D spending by 2023. Determined to become a world leader in the pharmaceutical sector,… Continue reading Chinese Pharma: A Global Health Game Changer?

New restrictions to foreign investors

Published on Author baiazbekovaa15

The State Council of the PRC is planning to reduce the list of branches in which foreign investors can work. In particular, it is about a services sector and manufacturing industry. With such decision, they plan to encourage investments of own enterprises abroad. Earlier the Ministry of Commerce reported that following the results of January 2015,… Continue reading New restrictions to foreign investors

The aluminum production grew by 21 %

Published on Author baiazbekovaa15

The Chinese authorities have cancelled quotas of export of rare-earth metals. This decision was made during the reform of the control system of resources. Now the production of aluminum in China has increased by 21 %. During 2014 the People’s Republic of China increased the production of electrolytic aluminum for 7,7% concerning the level of… Continue reading The aluminum production grew by 21 %

The Chinese economy is in search of balance

Published on Author baiazbekovaa15

The Chinese economy is in search of balance – that is how analysts summarized the speech of the PRC State Council Premier at the Third session of the National People’s Congress at their 12th convocation, which opened in Beijing on Thursday. In the speech to almost three thousand delegates, Li Ketsyan again declared the need… Continue reading The Chinese economy is in search of balance

New Silk Road – national policy of the PRC

Published on Author baiazbekovaa15

Development of “An economic belt of the Silk Road” is declared a priority of national policy of the People’s Republic of China. The projects realized within the concept of development of “An economic belt of the Silk way” will become priorities of national policy of China in the sphere of transport infrastructure. The Chinese news… Continue reading New Silk Road – national policy of the PRC